Just a few minutes ago, my video interviewing Sens prospects was released. One year ago around this time, I could have never imagined this.
This is the reason of this post - to thank everyone. This could have never been possible without so many people, including you.
Driving to Canadian Tire Centre a few weeks back with fellow BonksMullet.com writer Luke Peristy, I mentioned that it's ridiculous how funny life has been the last year. Last summer, we were both hovering around 100 followers on Twitter. He was starting to write Fan Posts for Silver Seven Sens and I would soon create this blog. One year later, we were invited by the Sens to interview players.
So thank you to Chet (@chet_sellers), Eric (@BonksMullet), Chris (@Brochenski), Gainsy (@CapitalGains65), Kevin (@BringBackLee) and of course Luke (@LukePeristy). Besides the Bonk's Mullet team, there are so many great people who I would have never met if it weren't for the blogger community.
I'm not sure where I'm really going with this but I'm just very grateful for how things have turned out for me. I'm pretty lucky.
The 2nd Cape Avatar should be up later tonight!
- Steve (On Sens)